"MANCHILD" tells the heartbreaking story of a young boy named Jon, born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. The child along with his mother endure endless persecution, both physically and psychologically throughout the story. The boy, beaten, severely abused and sexually assaulted before the age of seven sets the journey for early manhood with a strong and unbroken will to survive. The protagonists do not limit their insanity to the child alone. It is also inflicted upon the child's mother and any or all others that get in the way. Men war … Read More about About the Book
The Buzz
This novel is a must-read for every woman who has ever been abused physically, verbally, emotionally and psychologically. The abuse this woman suffered was beyond human comprehension. I still suffer the pangs of an ongoing anger.
Very Good!!! A deep and compelling story. I was drawn in from the very beginning and I did not want to put it down. Well written! Congratulations.
I just finished reading your novel and found it to be a dark and layered compelling story. The chapters where his wife Ruth and her son were involved left me absolutely paralyzed. A phenomenal conclusion.
About the Author
George Seeholzer was born and raised in Brooklyn/Queens, New York. He graduated from Grover Cleveland High School and attended the University of Maryland. He then served six years in the United States Army. Upon his discharge from the Army, he was employed at Pan American World Airlines for approximately thirty years in numerous capacities such as, Materiel and Logistics, Technical Operations, Maintenance and Engineering. George also assisted in creating the foundation for the Employee Assistance Program for Addictions and Behavioral Disorders at Pan American and remained engaged in the field until the company ceased operations in 1991. George then relocated to Florida and worked in several management capacities prior to accepting a position with the Town of Palm Beach, Florida where he worked in a management position for ten years before retiring. Upon retiring, George pursued his lifelong ambition of writing and is currently the CEO of Paljon Productions, located in Melbourne,