“MANCHILD” tells the heartbreaking story of a young boy named Jon, born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. The child along with his mother endure endless persecution, both physically and psychologically throughout the story. The boy, beaten, severely abused and sexually assaulted before the age of seven sets the journey for early manhood with a strong and unbroken will to survive. The protagonists do not limit their insanity to the child alone. It is also inflicted upon the child’s mother and any or all others that get in the way. Men war amongst one another in the streets of New York. One criminal act surpasses another as the brutality continues to escalate. Inner city neighborhoods provide the background for bookmaking, numbers racketing and loan sharking. Animal instincts versus violent intelligence make for formidable opponents. The child fades to the background at times as the madness continues, but just as the adults are, Jon is always there as well.
Take the journey, but be prepared to encounter a scenario that will propel you to levels far beyond human comprehension. Perhaps you may smile every now and then, but it will not last very long. Anger alone will drive you through this story like a runaway train.
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